7 of Our Best Golf Tips To Develop More Consistency
What’s the best way to break 80? Some weekend golfers would say you should hit it farther off the tee. Others would say that you have to hit pinpoint pitch shots. Then there are those that would tell you to practice your precision putting to sink more putts. All three of these ideas are surefire ways to cut strokes off your scores and your golf handicap. They’re also good areas to focus on when planning your practice sessions.

But the best way to go low is to boost your consistency, both from shot-to-shot and hole-to-hole. Boosting consistency builds confidence, which is a key to not only going low but also becoming a force within your foursome. Consistency can help you bust through scoring plateaus, and take your game to an entirely new level.
But boosting consistency and confidence is easier said than done. That’s why I make these two key objectives of my teaching philosophy, and we here at the newsletter aim to promote them as often as possible.
Below are seven of our best golf tips that will not only boost consistency and hitting irons pure, but also help chop strokes off your golf handicap.
1) Hit pure irons with consistency: Weekend golfers often try to control their irons with their hands and arms. The key to hitting your irons pure again and again is to control the club with your body, not your hand and arms. To control your irons with your body, you need to focus on getting your front hip, knee, and ankle working properly. That means getting all three workings toward the target simultaneously.
2) Swing slow to fast for perfect tempo: To develop consistency, you must make a smooth transition from backswing to downswing. A smooth transition also helps you create additional power. To do this, take the club back at a moderate pace, and then make a smooth transition. You want to hit maximum speed right at impact. So don’t crank up your swing to a full speed until you’re about halfway down through your downswing.
3) Square your clubface on short putts: To make short putts with consistency, try using a sleeve of balls as a guide to squaring your putter face by laying the sleeve length-wise on the ground. Set up with the ball in front of the short end of the sleeve. Then make your stroke. Use the long end of the sleeve to check that you’re not opening or closing the clubface.
4) Control your pitch shots by varying spin: Mastering spin gives you ultimate control of your pitch shots. To master spin, you need to alter how you rotate or don’t rotate the clubhead as you swing to your finish. There are three ways to do this. Finish with the club’s toe facing straight up. Finish with the toe pointing left of vertical. Or, finish with the club’s toe facing right of vertical. Each finish adds a different kind of spin to the ball.
5) Boost power with this simple move: Weekend golfers often lack power because they don’t create the proper conditions for maximum distance. To achieve maximum distance off the tee, you need to set up with your spine angle correctly angled away from the target. To do this, don’t look at the ball as you settle into your address. Look up at the sky instead. This change automatically dips your back shoulder below the level of your front shoulder, which is what you want. Once you’ve achieved this angle, then look down at the ball, and make your usual swing.
6) Save strokes by aiming away from trouble: Too often weekend golfers aim for pins when the pin is set up behind the bunker. Shooting at dangerous pins like this can cost you. To save strokes, be smarter about hitting into greens. Aim for the center of the green, not the pin. It’s a sound strategy that works more often than not and keeps you out of trouble. Try it for a round and see how it works for you.
7) Swing on a flatter plane to eliminate your slice: To eliminate your slice, try swinging on a flatter plane. This change forces you to swing around your body and to release the club properly. Hit three-quarter shots at first. Swing slowly to get the feel of making contact. And don’t get discouraged if you dig the heel of the club into the ground at first. Practice it and you’ll eventually eliminate your slice.
These tips will help you not only develop consistency, but also boost power and accuracy. Swing slowly at first until you get the feel for the change. Then you can go back to swinging at your normal speed. Boosting consistency, accuracy, and power will elevate your game and chop strokes off your handicap.